QSA's Week in Social Issues (#5, 2024)
Indigenous housing funding announced; Veterans' homelessness projects funded; Bill on miscarriages of justice discussed; Canada Student Loans Regulations amended; Francophone immigration targets set.

Start Date: 2024-11-02
End Date: 2024-11-08
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Challenges in Indigenous Youth Foster Care Discussed by Senate Committee
The Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights focused on the challenges faced by youth aging out of foster care, particularly Indigenous youth. Key issues raised were instability due to frequent caseworker turnover and the need for flexible, extended support. Federal collaboration with provincial and territorial governments was advocated to improve child welfare systems, aligning with UN recommendations. The need for trauma-informed and culturally appropriate mental health services was emphasized. National standards and sustained follow-up support were called for, highlighting the overrepresentation of First Nations children in youth protection.
Sources: ['Transcripts: senparlvu.parl.gc.ca']