QSA's Week in ICT & Cybersecurity (#3, 2024)
CRTC sets new rates; AI initiatives launched; Senate committee on misinformation; Auditor General audits contracts; CRTC strategic plan announced.

Start Date: 2024-10-19
End Date: 2024-10-25
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CRTC Sets Interim Wholesale Rates for Fibre Networks
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has established interim wholesale rates for competitors accessing large telephone companies' fibre networks. This decision is part of the CRTC's ongoing efforts to enhance competition in Canada's Internet services market. The set rates will provide Canadians with increased options for Internet and related services. These rates are based on detailed cost analysis and are consistent with those used in Ontario and Quebec. Over the coming months, large telephone companies will need to provide additional information for finalizing the rates.
Sources: ['Announcements: www.canada.ca']