QSA's Week in Food (#1, 2024)
Carbon tax impacts food prices; Nutrition North Canada review announced; Bill C-282 debates supply management; Ontario farmland investments; Agri-food labor initiatives.

Start Date: 2024-10-05
End Date: 2024-10-11
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Carbon Border Adjustments Discussed in Agriculture Committee
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food discussed the impact of carbon border adjustments on Canadian agriculture. Dr. Sylvain Charlebois noted the carbon tax has increased food prices in Canada compared to the US. Concerns were raised about the competitiveness of Canadian products and the lack of preparedness for a carbon border adjustment. The potential benefits for the organic sector were also discussed, with Tia Loftsgard advocating for an Organic Act to exempt organic products from such adjustments. The session reflected on the broader implications for food affordability and market dynamics.
Sources: ['Transcripts: parlvu.parl.gc.ca']