QSA's Week in Fisheries (#7, 2024)
Oyster diseases confirmed in New Brunswick; Minister MacAulay's China visit concludes; Ecological corridors funded nationwide; Fisheries Day celebrated; Coho restocking efforts in BC.

Start Date: 2024-11-16
End Date: 2024-11-22
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Oyster Diseases in New Brunswick: Immediate Actions Initiated
On November 21, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency confirmed the presence of MSX and Dermo diseases in oysters from Spence Cove, New Brunswick. These diseases, while not affecting human health, cause increased mortality and reduced growth in oysters. The CFIA, along with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Province of New Brunswick, have implemented movement controls and are conducting tracing and testing to limit the spread. The measures align with the One Health approach to managing aquatic animal diseases, crucial for stakeholders in the oyster industry to monitor mollusc health.
Sources: ['Announcements: www.canada.ca']