QSA's Week in Finance (#8, 2024)
Bank of Canada's mandate review; FCAC's payments oversight; Housing cost actions; Competition Bureau probes; Canada's international payments data.

Start Date: 2024-11-23
End Date: 2024-11-29
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Bank of Canada Mandate Review
The Senate Banking, Commerce and the Economy Committee is reviewing the Bank of Canada's mandate with input from former Deputy Governor Paul Beaudry and Professor Stephen Williamson. Beaudry emphasized the success of the current inflation-targeting framework, cautioning against altering it to focus on currency stabilization. He discussed transparency in appointing Deputy Governors and suggested reassessing quantitative easing's role. Williamson supported the inflation-targeting agreement and proposed more transparency and academic involvement in policy decisions. Both witnesses agreed on the importance of transparency and governance in the Bank's operations.
Sources: ['Transcripts: senparlvu.parl.gc.ca', 'Transcripts: senparlvu.parl.gc.ca']