QSA's Week in Environment (#1, 2024)
Jasper wildfires prompt national strategy talk; Northern cod fishery issues continue; $1M fine for effluent deposit in Alberta; Sustainable investment guidelines revealed; Senate reviews environmental performance.

Start Date: 2024-10-05
End Date: 2024-10-11
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Jasper Wildfires Spark National Coordination Discussion
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment discussed factors behind recent fires in Jasper National Park. Key contributors included human intervention in forest management and climate change, as noted by Christian Messier. The committee emphasized the need for FireSmart practices and a national wildfire fighting force. Alberta's Deputy Premier stressed coordinated federal and provincial efforts. Witnesses criticized Parks Canada's fire management, noting logistical issues. The session ended with calls for a national wildfire preparedness plan and better integration of federal and provincial data.
Sources: ['Transcripts: parlvu.parl.gc.ca', 'Transcripts: parlvu.parl.gc.ca']