QSA's Week in BioPharma (#5, 2024)
PMPRB report on drug spending; Senate examines Food and Drugs Act bill; Pharmacare Act and diabetes focus.

Start Date: 2024-11-02
End Date: 2024-11-08
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PMPRB Report on New Drugs and Future Drug Spending
The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board released its latest Meds Pipeline Monitor, detailing new medicines in late clinical evaluation stages. Over 12,000 drugs were in development in 2023, with a focus on oncology, infectious diseases, and central nervous system disorders. This report indicates potential impacts on future drug spending in Canada, as these drugs may affect clinical practice. Health Canada is reviewing several significant new medicines. The report serves as a resource for stakeholders monitoring emerging pharmaceuticals potentially entering the market.
Sources: ['Announcements: www.canada.ca']